marine surveyor dubai


Senior Marine Surveyor

Skills, Competence, and Experience

    Mr. Joshi has 20 years in maritime industry. He is expert on various surveys like, On-board Attendance of Crude/Petroleum Tankers - to certify the Ship's tanks fitness for loading its nominated petroleum cargo, to determine the cargo quantity on board after loading as well as before discharge. Attendance at the terminal to certify cleanliness of shore tanks for receiving various products such as petroleum/chemical and gauging of Storage Tanks to determine quantity and sampling. Ensuring that the correct quantity of product is being transferred to/from the vessel by the class "A" test, Inspection of Containers and Supervision of stuffing/de-stuffing of containers for both dry and reefer. IBIA Certified Bunker Surveyor.

Experience in the following areas:

  • On-board Attendance of Crude/Petroleum Tankers to certify the Ships tanks fitness for loading its nominated petroleum cargo, to determine the cargo quantity on board after loading as well as before discharge.
  • Attendance at the Terminal to certify cleanliness of shore tanks for receiving various products such as petroleum/chemical and gauging of Storage Tanks to determine quantity and sampling.
  • Ensuring that the correct quantity of product is being transferred to/from the vessel by the class test.
  • Attendance during filling of tanker trucks for various products such as petroleum & chemical.
  • Attending Bunker Survey to determine ROB, ON/OFF hire bunker survey and attendance during the supply of bunker through a pipeline or by barge.
  • Attending supervision of loading/discharge of containers on board the vessel and prepare related documents.
  • Inspection of Containers and Supervision of stuffing/de-stuffing of containers for both dry and reefer.
  • Draft Survey to determine the quantity of various bulk cargo on board the vessel.
  • Inspection of damaged cargo to report the condition Pre-Loading & Pre-discharge of Cargo Condition surveys.
  • General condition survey of bulk vessels.
  • Supervision of loading / sampling of bagged/bulk cargo.
  • Ultrasound leak detection test (ULD) can be carried out independently.
  • STS operation of petroleum products can be attended independently to ascertain tin quantity loaded / transferred to ship to ship.

Contact Details:
Mobile: +971 50 7348621
Tel.: +971 4 4232884 | +971 4 4518060

For Mr. Ouseph Joshi's CV please click here