Key Consideration of Cargo Lashing Calculations

Marine transportation of cargo can be seen all over the world crossing the borders and experiencing sea weather. Every individual involved in packaging and securing of cargo for sea and /or land transportation is aware of securing the cargo on board to prevent its shifting from stow causing damage to it due to various forces acting on the cargo during transit. Such cargo on board is secured by lashing and shoring. The lashing of cargo is carried out using various lashing materials such as belts, chains, stopper plates etc. However, few of them know which type of lashings have advantage over the other type for particular shape, size and weight of cargo.

The Role of P&I Surveyor and Survey Aspects

It comes as no surprise, that after over two thousands of P&I surveys and 14 years of attendances, Constellation Marine services are well recognized in their contribution within the gamut of P&I surveys, be it for the members which consists of ship owners, charterers and operators in relation to third-party liability incidents involving seafarers, cargo ,vessel , equipment and port structures/equipment/crew.

Chemical Carriers' Cargo Tank Cleanliness

Before we react in hindsight for an incident that has been escalated to a point of no return, another seafarer ends up being blamed for "doing his job". Let's put some thoughts together to understand how and why one should avoid "judging" the Master of Ever Given to the extent that the fault is pinned to his shoulders.

Seafarers cannot be made scapegoats, again!

Before we react in hindsight for an incident that has been escalated to a point of no return, another seafarer ends up being blamed for "doing his job". Let's put some thoughts together to understand how and why one should avoid "judging" the Master of Ever Given to the extent that the fault is pinned to his shoulders.

Who Says We Don't Care About Marine Polution?

Marine pollution is an emerging concern for the shipping industry. Pollution comes in the form of waste, garbage, plastics, lube oil, heavy oil, crude oil, recycling of ships, etc. International Maritime Organization the Marine arm of the United Nations has come out with various rules and regulations to protect the world's oceans.

IMO Requirements for Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The IMO cap is on the emissions per ship rather than on the industry's total emissions. IMO has mandated it as CO2 emissions per transport work. But since "per transport work" The EU has already adopted Transport work is defined as the total amount of cargo or passengers carried multiplied by the total distance sailed). the fourth IMO study results published in August 2020 uses four different measures to estimate the carbon intensity.

Magnetic Particle Inspection

We, Constellation Marine Services LLC as independent ship and marine surveyors, get nominations from our principals to carry out Magnetic Particle testing. Recently we got a nomination from one of our clients to carry out Magnetic Particle testing onboard the semi-submersible to test the welded joints/weld bevel of sea fastening. Our Naval Architect/Marine Surveyor upon in receipt of instruction, arranged to attend an inspection onboard the subject vessel at Anchorage.

Profile of a Survey Report

A professional marine surveyor's report should carry the required information to the client to enable him to make his decision on the condition of a vessel, cargo, or a situation/circumstance as the case may be.

Taking Up Fuel for The Ship (Bunkering Operations)

Taking fuel for the ship is also known as "Bunkering". Bunkering as the ship terminology refers to taking fuel for the ship namely heavy oil (furnace oil), diesel oil and lube oil. Bunkering of heavy oil for a ship is in Metric tonnes. The heavy oil is the bottom most grade coming out from the distilling tower coming out from a refinery. As the name refers the oil is heavy with a density going upwards from 0.92 gm/cc.

Inspection of Reefer Container and Cargo Damage

Reefer containers are like mobile refrigerators that are used to transport perishable cargo such as fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, seafood, and medicines in a controlled atmosphere and temperature to prevent deterioration of the contents therein.

RSV Aurora Australis

The RSV AURORA AUSTRALIS has etched its mark in history, after having made over 152 trips to the Antarctic has left Australia for its onward voyage to Dubai, where it will likely undergo refurbishment and possibly (and sadly) a sale.

It's the Evidence that Counts

When it comes to investigation or inspection of damage to cargo, vessel or equipment, there are unique methodologies that have to be followed along with using root cause analysis to determine the proximate causes leading to a particular incident and damage. Investigation to gather evidence to establish the cause of damage is the primary responsibility of a marine surveyor. In that respect, Constellation Marine Services has a well-trained team of 23 full time staff and surveyors who are well aware of this fact.

Butane Coolant - Loading Into Ship's Cargo Tanks

Liquid gas cargoes are calculated and measured in a similar manner to other liquid cargoes such as crude oils and petroleum products. However, liquefied cargoes are specially carried in a closed/confined system and the vapor quantity has to be measured when calculating the total quantity on board.

VLSFO Management

From a point of view of loss prevention, we have taken into account practical issues already being experienced in the management of low Sulphur fuel, and the organizations experiences based on cases that have already occurred in the short period since the implementation of the IMO 2020 Fuel Oil Sulphur cap (Since 2020 Jan).

Heavy Lift Operation - Know your lifting gears

Heavy lift operations are one of the critical operations that needs the combination of knowledge and experience. The most primary and basic information comes in the mind when any one talks about heavy lifting task is the weight of the lifting object. How much weight to lift? Which is the primary information needed to initiate the planning. Other contributing factors for making a lifting plan includes but not limited to Dimensions, Center of Gravity (CoG), Lifting Point etc. These informations were used to develop the lifting plan, decide on the lifting crane specification and numbers, lifting gears becomes the most important element in the lifting operation. For a Marine Warranty Surveyor or the Supercargo main challenge comes for the availability of the lifting gears. Weather the Working Load Limit (WLL) of the lifting sling is sufficient to lift the cargo....

Ship's Condition Inspection Backed Valuation Surveys and Certification

It is considered an important aspect during a vessels life cycle, and are tricky and arduous engagements to accomplish, often requiring a combination of skills including seafaring, financial and statistical capabilities, irrespective of the size and type of the vessel, or the purpose for which the valuation is carried out...


We, Constellation Marine Services LLC as independent ship and marine surveyors, often get instructions from our principals like ship owners, charterers and P & I clubs for Pre-discharge cargo condition& out-turn tally to be carry out onboard general cargo vessels. Recently we got a nomination from one of our clients to carry out Pre-discharge...

Revolution Of Modern Technology In Marine Surveying

At constellation marine services, our interest in advanced inspection technologies is on the rise. Increasing complexity of marine and offshore assets and associated operational activities a need for prompting advanced technology within surveying the order of the day. We are trying to lead the way forward in applying these technologies to augment surveys and inspections...

hull and machinery damage inspection surveyors

You are here: Home / Hull and Machinery Damage Inspection Surveyors-Engr David Pereira Hull and Machinery Damage Inspection Surveyors-Engr David Pereira Hull and machinery damage inspection surveyors . Senior Marine Engineering Consultant, David Pereira Areas of Expertise is as follows : Ship Management advice including contracts, operational costs, Surveys etc. Charter Party contract negotiations and...